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Buyer's Guide to DRM 2016

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DRM technologies protect content from unauthorized viewing. In the not-so-distant past, 百家乐软件app最新版下载可以使用由插件管理的单一DRM技术来接触到大多数目标观众. With the proliferation of playback platforms, 包括移动, 游戏平台, 智能电视, 和其他CE设备——随着从浏览器插件转向基于html5的播放的趋势——大多数发行商将不得不部署多种DRM技术来达到他们的目标.

在高水平上, 选择和部署适当的DRM技术非常简单, even though it involves several moving parts. 第一个, 你必须确定你的目标平台以及与这些平台兼容的DRM技术. 然后,您需要找到一个可以提供和打包所选DRM的多DRM许可合作伙伴. 在某些情况下,您可能希望将加密卸载到编码器平台或提供程序. 最后, 你需要确保你所选择的现成播放器技术或移动sdk(如果有的话)与这些drm兼容.

有时,许可合作伙伴与您的编码或打包工具(例如 微软Azure), but sometimes they’re separate (such as Wowza Streaming EngineBuyDRM). Sometimes your concerns cover both pay TV 和 streaming, 您应该与单一供应商解决所有DRM问题(向Verimatrix或NAGRA问好)。.

Okay, so it’s not straightforward. 但在这篇文章中, 我将尝试通过引导您完成决策过程并向您介绍各种技术和技术提供商来实现这一点. Let’s start with a brief overview of what DRM actually is.


There is no precise definition of DRM; it’s what the content owner requires it to be. If you’re the content owner, you get to define the level of protection, 但第三方内容所有者可以强制要求他们自己的内容可以接受什么. 至少, most content owners require encryption, which makes the content unplayable without a decryption key. 然而,对于大多数优质内容分发者来说,仅靠加密是不够的.

例如,在DASH标准中定义的一个DRM技术是ClearKey. 使用这个系统, the decryption key can be supplied from any web server, 和 playback can be built directly into the browser, where the decryption key can easily be captured. 这种技术提供的安全性最低,大多数内容所有者都无法接受. Neither is the use of ClearKey for HTTP 在线直播 (HLS), which suffers from the same deficiencies.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, 所谓的真正的数字版权管理涉及第三方授权服务器来发布解密密钥, a secure playback environment to protect the decryption keys, 最后, content rights expressed in the license key file. True DRMs can also provide additional protection by rotating keys, syncing with a local system clock, 和 providing support for third-party output protection schemas.

如果电梯里有人让你区分加密和数字版权管理, 和 you had three floors to answer, you could answer: 1) separate licensing server, 安全播放器, 和 3) digital rights to manage. 这三个方面可以让您了解DRM为何如此复杂, 和 why most organizations use a third-party licensing partner.

例如, all DRM technologies have strict rules about setting up, 管理, 和 protecting license servers, which are a major component of keeping the content secure. Even when only one DRM technology is necessary, many content distributors use third-party licensing companies rather than assuming this responsibility themselves; now that multiple DRMs are necessary to reach a broad target audience, third-party licensing partners are even more attractive.

第二点, 安全玩家, 在从浏览器插件到HTML5播放的过渡中是最好的. During the plug-in era, Flash或Silverlight插件在一个安全的环境中管理与许可服务器的所有通信. 在HTML5时代, 浏览器本身, 而不是插件, has to function as the secure environment, which means that 安全玩家 must be baked into the browser; it can’t be supplied after installation.

Just to make sure you have your acronyms right, 实现这一目标的技术称为加密媒体扩展(EME)。. 使用电磁辐射, 浏览器使用所谓的内容解密模块来整合DRM技术, 或清洁发展机制.

主要的浏览器供应商必须选择在他们的浏览器中部署哪种技术(图1). 不足为奇的是, the three browser vendors with DRM technologies, 谷歌(铬), Microsoft (Internet Explorer 和 Edge), 苹果(Safari), all used their own technologies—Widevine, PlayReady, 和公平对待, 分别. Firefox选择了Adobe Access(现在称为PrimeTime DRM),而Opera选择了Widevine.


DRM support by browser (Source: castLabs DRMtoday) 

所以就像我说的,第一步是确定你想要玩游戏的所有平台. If you want to play on all the major browsers using EME, which few producers actually try to do, you need to be able to support PlayReady, 都模块化, 公平对待, 和 Adobe PrimeTime DRM. 因为您还必须支持还不支持EME的旧浏览器, you’ll need a backup plan, which typically means fallback to Flash, Silverlight, 或Widevine Classic. 郑重声明, 都模块化 is the version that supports EME; Widevine Classic requires a separate downloadable player to enable browser-based playback

在移动领域,你有两种选择:基于浏览器的播放和在应用程序内播放. In terms of browser-based playback, the vendors remain true to form; Apple supports 公平对待 in iOS 6+, Google支持Android 3+的Widevine Classic和Android 4的都模块化.3+ 和 iOS 7+, while Microsoft supports PlayReady in Windows Phone. Of course, apps provide much more freedom of choice. 例如, 图2 shows the app compatibility matrix provided by BuyDRM, which enables PlayReady on all mobile devices, 与马林, an open-st和ard DRM technology, on iOS 和 Android devices.


通过使用第三方播放器/DRM代理sdk,应用拓宽了你在移动平台上的DRM选择. (来源:BuyDRM) 

在奥特, PlayReady占主导地位, with support in most platforms, 除了Apple TV, which of course supports 公平对待. Widevine也可以在大多数谷歌设备上使用,但不包括亚马逊的Fire TV. 大多数智能电视支持PlayReady,少量支持Widevine和Marlin. Xbox和PlayStation都支持PlayReady,而较老的索尼设备也支持Marlin.

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Buyers' Guide to DRM 2017

它是如何工作的, the leading technologies, 许可选项, 商业模式, 定价:本指南包括内容所有者需要知道的一切,以确保他们的宝贵资产.

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