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From Contribution to AR, 5G Is the Future

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2019年是5G商业推出的一年,它的发展速度超过了4G LTE. 截至2019年第二季度末,全球共推出31项5G商用服务, 根据 IHS Markit. 这一部署水平是在美国首次商用5G推出仅10个月后实现的.S. 和韩国. 相比之下,IHS Markit指出,4G花了四年时间才达到这个数量.

随着运营商每年投资近1600亿美元用于扩大和升级基础设施,全球每20人中就有1人使用5G, 根据 GSMA数据. 在美国.S., Verizon promises to light up 30 cities by the end of 2019 and in the UK, all four domestic mobile operators are up and running. 根据GSMA的数据,5G将在五年内占全球移动连接的15%.

运营商似乎很有信心,通过现在投资5G,并继续投资4g,他们可以挖掘潜在的巨大收入来源. 这方面的重点是企业规模和企业应用,并与物联网传感器的爆炸式增长相吻合,以推动远程实时医疗中的新应用, 工厂自动化, 城市规划, and urban management over the network.

When it comes to consumer markets operators are more cautious, 将初始部署视为扩大与现有基础设施共存并增强移动宽带的一种方式. 视频是5G的主要推动力,爱立信上调了对5G覆盖范围的预测 将达到45% of the world's population 到2024年底,运营商希望在媒体和娱乐领域取得成功. Where 60% of all internet traffid is video today, close to three quarters will be video in six years' time, 它认为. 思科 预测 that by 2022, 82 percent of all IP traffic will be video.

对媒体 & 娱乐, video over 5G breaks broadly into three overlapping areas of activity: contribution for live event production; widescale delivery of video applications to mobile, including emerging virtual and augmented reality; and augmentation or even replacement of infrastructure for broadcast.

移动运营商敏锐地意识到,自2008年推出3G以来,他们在利用OTT服务方面的集体失败. 西欧的手机运营商损失了超过四分之一的服务收入,而流量却以每年50-80%的速度增长, 根据爱立信.

要跟上需求的步伐,在财务上不倒退,唯一的办法就是越来越有效地为交通服务. 5G is a big step in that direction.

与4G移动宽带(MBB)相比,5G增强型移动宽带(eMBB)将显著降低每比特成本。, and costs will continue to go down thanks to increased spectral efficiency, higher network utilization, greater user numbers and higher average speeds. Access to new and wider spectrum also delivers efficiencies.

电信公司的现实是,他们必须提供不断增加的带宽容量,而不是最终成为哑管道. 3GPP推出的5G技术标准的错开性质为他们提供了提前规划的机会.

早期的5G发射使用“非独立”部署,重点是利用4G和5G的综合能力来提供eMBB. 运营商正在解决城市中心和高客流量地点(如旅游终端和体育场)的问题。.

Taking UK mobile operator EE as an example, its 路线图 targets Phase 2 5G in 2022, 当增强的设备芯片组功能和5g就绪频谱可用性增加时. 新发布的3GPP标准将提供更高的带宽和更低的延迟,以实现真正沉浸式移动增强现实和移动云游戏. Phase 2 is also a crucial step to the convergence of network technologies, 作为固定, mobile and wif-fi combines into a seamless customer experience, 州EE.

第三阶段, 从2023年开始, will introduce Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC), 网络分段, and multi-gigabit-per-second speeds. 5G的这一阶段将实现自动驾驶车队的实时交通管理和“触觉互联网”等关键应用," where a sense of touch can be added to remote real-time interactions.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let's look at commercial use cases for video today.

5 g的贡献

Remote production is the biggest change sweeping live outside broadcast, and 5G is a massive piece of the puzzle. The advantages of remote production—reduction in cost, better work-life balance for employees, reduced carbon footprint, and the ability to produce more games—are well known but not game changing.

“真正的游戏规则改变者是当你将远程制作与了解如何利用新技术(包括无线摄像机的创造性灵活性)的制作人结合在一起时,马特·斯塔格说, director of BT Sport's mobile strategy.


与4 g, 5G将是一项“坚如磐石”的服务,为直播制作人提供性能保障, 英国电信的马特·斯塔格说.

Wireless links over 4G are currently a standard part of the producer's kit, 但场馆拥挤的交通状况意味着它们从来都不是足够可靠的主要饲料.

"5G will be a rock-solid service," says Stagg. "It will guarantee performance."

BT Sport has conducted a number of experiments with 5G remote contribution, 其中最新的一项是在阿姆斯特丹IBC展会上与英国电信体育的展台在英国的三个地点进行现场直播. It is looking to 5G as a cheaper connectivity solution than satellite uplinks.

斯塔格解释说,英国电信想在网络上预订一个时段,就像它想预订一个卫星转发器一样. “为突发新闻这样的事情提供网络应该像进入web前端并输入邮政编码一样快速和简单, specifying an amount of bandwidth and an amount of time,斯塔格说.

这种灵活性是基于网络切片的,这将保证广播公司在最低标准的速度和吞吐量下降低100Mbps的延迟. The network could be provisioned for multiple dedicated application in stadiums. 与广播, 这可能包括为媒体或IT支持以及观众提供专用频谱.

正如斯塔格所说, “我不希望我的摄像师和上传自拍照的人争夺带宽."

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