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流媒体 East 2007: Emphasis on the Enterprise

At the 2006 流媒体 East show in New York, as well as 流媒体 West in San Jose last fall, most of the buzz in the exhibit hall had to do with consumer-facing technology and services, with a special emphasis on user-generated content.

本周, at 流媒体 East 2007, much of the emphasis is still on user-generated content (UGC). But the announcements from vendors on the show floor this year reveal the ways in which the UGC boom is now influencing the workplace, with major announcements from Accordent, 媒体出版商, and other enterprise-focused vendors balancing out the more consumer-friendly announcements we’ve gotten used to seeing over the past couple of years.

"People have been getting used to YouTube, Skype, and other services they use for personal use, 他们问, ‘Why can’t I have access to these kind of things like this for business use?,迈克·纽曼说。, CEO of Accordent Technologies, which is introducing Accordent Engage, an audio webcasting tool that’s designed to allow business users to deliver live rich media presentations online to audiences ranging from the dozens to the thousands without relying on traditional webconferencing and conference call services. "And we were also getting feedback from our customers that they wanted to empower the use of video at the desktop level."But desktop-level video production and distribution within the enterprise isn’t as easy to employ as end users might think, 史蒂夫·帕蒂森说, VP of marketing and business development for 媒体出版商, 公司., which introduced the latest version of broadcast management software at NAB in April and is announcing compatibility with ViewCast’s Niagara line of encoders and servers at 流媒体 East. "YouTube is pretty simple, and it’s not dealing with a complicated enterprise network topography,他说, comparing what the end user sees to a faucet from which content seems to flow. "It’s all well and good to make a pretty faucet, but if the plumbing’s not there, nothing’s going to come out."

在一起, applications like Accordent’s Engage and 媒体出版商 indicate a renewed vitality in the enterprise space. At the same time, there’s no slowdown on the media and entertainment side of online video. Here’s a look at some of the major announcements coming out of the show, in alphabetical order. (Editor's Note: This article reflects announcements that were delivered to us before Tuesday, May 15. For a complete list of show announcements, check StreamingMedia.com的 press releases section frequently during the show, which runs until Wednesday, May 16 at the Hilton New York.)

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