
Current Challenges of Edge Delivery

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Steve Miller-Jones: 正如已经指出的,关键是简单的集成. 那么,如果您想在五个不同的位置使用计算,它们都是相同的提供者吗? 你能一次做完吗,还是要做五次? 这种抽象是创新和未来事物的真正所在. 你怎么知道,如果你现在使用Terraform来管理你的发行和部署? 你是否也可以使用一组非常简单的执行和访问一组边缘位置,这些位置可能有一些稍微不同的底层硬件,. But you don't have to care about that. That's the challenge that the service providers, such as Limelight, 是为了理解这种复杂性并将其推向市场. 我认为这种程度的整合就是机会所在, and also what the challenge for everyone is today. Can I adopt edge? Well, do I have to integrate with five different operators?

Dom Robinson: Yeah, we're not quite to "write once, run everywhere.“我们在某种程度上是”一次写入,在特定的参数集内到处运行."

Steve Miller-Jones: Well, I think it also requires subtle changes in software. What if your application isn't built that way today? 然后你又花了多少时间来这样重写? So you have to get back to the business problem. What's the key element that's driving me that says, “我需要从反省中获得额外的性能优势,或者提高我的登录过程或搜索的质量,或者任何你的业务问题,你有一个性能挑战,这将推动你走向边缘. And for us as a content industry, we can't forget. We can't be totally technology-led anymore. 这是关于说“我们需要解决一个性能问题,所以让我们去解决它。.“如果优势是正确的答案,我们可以让它为人们服务,那么它就会被使用. 如果它只是把这个塞进这个洞里,它就不会被使用."

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