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drop首席执行官Sushil Prabhu谈流媒体微支付技术和策略

What are micropayments, 和 why are they attracting a lot of recent industry attention? 蒂姆Siglin,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会,以及特约编辑, 流媒体该公司联合创始人苏希尔•普拉布(Sushil Prabhu)接受了采访 & 首席执行官, Dropp 小额支付, to discuss this alternative 和 very adaptable payment method in this interview from 流媒体 East 2023.

Prabhu introduces himself 和 说s that Dropp is a company that makes “small payments viable.”


您正在说 that while there has been incredible innovation in the digital space over the last 20 years, 特别是在新的和改进的方式来观看流媒体视频, 支付的数字化处理方式没有太大变化. 他表示:“人们确实需要小额购买。. “现在, 你可以出去花一美元买一罐汽水, but you can't do the same thing on the internet because it's offered as a bundle package.” He emphasizes a significant need in the media space for users to make small value purchases.


“Is the micropayment model targeted toward emerging markets or first-world markets? 你觉得平衡在哪里?西格林问道.

您正在说 that he sees the development of micropayment systems as a global need. A credit or debit card is required for nearly every global digital transaction, 随之而来的是交易费用. “Merchants can't really offer you small values because it's expensive,他说. He highlights that streaming services have exploded since the p和emic from the original core platforms, 如 网飞公司Hulu到2000个服务. “So there is an actual need because there is so much going on right now in the industry, 它会一直持续下去,他说. “人们对订阅有点厌倦了. 你只能订阅这么多. 因此,全世界都需要建立一个经济高效的平台.”

西格林指出,这个问题在美国更为明显, 而在其他市场,小额支付有更多的机会. “In some [countries], you can attach a micropayment to your cellular bill for the month,他说. “而在其他国家,你去买一张充值卡,获得更多的数据. 在美国,这一直有点奇怪……我付钱 威瑞森但是我不能在我的威瑞森账单上添加小额支付. Any sense as to why we've gone that direction in the States, 和 how does Dropp solve that?”

Prabhu agrees that the infrastructure for micropayments is better developed in other countries but that the process of credit card purchasing in the U.S. is so well established 和 generally trusted that it has become popular to the point where consumers may not even be considering alternatives to the point where even a can of soda may be purchased using a card. 但西格林指出,在许多面对面的商业交易中, a minimum transaction amount (如 $5) remains due to the 交易费用 imposed on the merchant.

您正在说, “只要涉及小额支付和新的支付技术, people haven't really thought through that we don't have cost-effective payment [methods]. 50%的消费者报告在美国付款.S. 低于25美元, 和流行后, 甚至在大流行期间, 40% of them used credit cards to do small value transactions because people don't want to carry cash. 现在的情况是,人们越来越习惯使用信用卡, 商人赚的越来越少. 你现在就可以走进一家餐馆, 有100美元的账单吗, 如果你付现金,上面会写5美元的折扣……”

“就像你的医生一样,西格林说, “If you pay it in cash so they [don’t] have to take it through the insurance.”


“在美国,小额支付的需求非常迫切.S.普拉布说. “这就是我们在这里发射的原因. But we see the need globally because, here's my example, there are large companies, 网飞公司, Hulu, HBO, [but] there are about a thous和 other video streaming companies out there who are struggling for the same consumers. There are video bloggers, then there is a creator economy…how can all of them make money just on ads? 因为(你)需要一百万浏览量才能赚钱. 我不会订阅每个视频博主. 小额支付可用于小额小费. 如果你有成千上万的粉丝, 50美分小费, 那个记者或出版商可以养活自己.”

“嗯, 事实上是这样的,西格林说, “我们刚刚完成了研究报告 2023年春季流媒体状态. George Bokuchava的观点之一 Tulix brought up was this model around a number of his companies who have classically had subscriptions, 有些是礼拜堂, 但有些艺术家也有 Patreon 他们正在退出订阅[模式]. They're putting a QR code in the corner to 说, ‘Please donate, or please pay me.’ That sort of falls very nicely with what you're talking about as well, that micro-tipping concept."

How Dropp Merges Banking Technologies With Distributed Ledger Technologies

“我们融合了两种技术,”普拉布说. “我们使用监管非常严格的银行技术. 因为大多数人仍然使用法定货币. 然后我们把它和分布式账本技术结合起来, 这是密码吗, 安全, 隐私, 诸如此类.他说,通过这种方式,Dropp创造了一个混合系统. 他进一步解释了drop是如何出现在用户界面上的. “所以你可以在台式机上, 和 you would see a little blue drop on a content [page] 说ing ‘It could be this actual episode right here,’然后你点击它, 在你的 浏览器边缘,它会弹出. 你想付10美分吗? 所以这不是很大的支付, 这是小额付款, but I think this is another leg in the digital economy that we can open up by enabling micropayments.”

“我在这个行业已经有25年了,”西格林说. “早期有几家公司尝试过这样做. 贝宝 我想到了, 很明显, because 贝宝 started as an IOU model where it was a non-banking transaction, 当然, 他们为自己是否是一家银行而打了官司. But then there were other companies who came along…Apple sort of played in this with iTunes 有点. 你在账户里存了25美元, 然后你把钱花光了, 因此你的交易费用更低. 这样做的问题是,你只能得到4美元.99 in five different accounts because you had to have some minimum in there in the cost to spend. 你们的模式是否类似,需要有人来做, 说, 账户里只有10美元,所以他们没有这些 签证 交易费用?”

“在某种程度上,是的,”普拉布说. He agrees that the micropayment concept has been around for a long time 和 has been tried by other companies, “But you need two things for a concept to be popular: one is there should be consumer appetite for something like this. 其次是技术. 所以现在, between what's happening in the banking technology…you might have heard [that] Clearing House in the U.S. 在美国提出;提出 实时支付 (RTP). 因此,银行技术也变得更加现代化, 它准备好了, 区块链技术的分布式账本也是如此. 所以当你把它们结合起来,你会得到一些东西. So I'm 说ing there's an appetite, there's a dem和, 和 then there's technology. 我觉得现在是时候了.”

了解更多关于这个主题的信息 流媒体连接2023.

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