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How to Deliver Resilient Streams at Scale

Guaranteeing a satisfying end user experience, whether you’re delivering content live or VOD, requires resiliency, 确保无论规模如何,溪流都不会中断, 爆发, or other fluctuations in delivery demands. The challenges are different for live and VOD, with live proving significantly more challenging in most instances.

Mark de Jong, Chairman, CDN联盟,与产品策略副总裁Michael Demb讨论了这些关键挑战以及如何解决这些挑战, 标签和, and Bob Hannent, Principal Architect: Technology Operations, DAZN, in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.

De Jong要求Demb讨论除了采用多cdn方法之外,弹性直播流的一些最重要的元素.

Demb强调,视频点播与直播完全不同,因为当直播时, there is very little room for mistakes. “如果我必须从纯粹的分销角度选择我的三大差异化因素,他说, “one will be the latency. In VOD, there is no such thing as latency. [Then] scalability, and of course quality assurance. 你如何确保你提供的视频质量是正确的? 因此,要确保直播顺利进行,实时监控是关键. 你需要确切地知道每时每刻流发生了什么. 如果开始出现问题,你需要快速发现并更快地修复它. 这是至关重要的. 因此,就可扩展性而言,现场活动,尤其是体育活动,可能非常庞大且不可预测. 观看人数的峰值可以从10人开始,增长到1万人,甚至1000万人. And you don't know how many users you're going to have. So that means you need a really flexible setup, real-time performance measurements, 它可以快速识别瓶颈并做出切换决策.”

Demb说,如果在直播过程中有太多的延迟,可能会出现令人尴尬和不满意的用户体验, 是什么导致了诸如比赛的最终比分在用户真正看到制胜进球之前就出现在他们的手机上. “因此,我们的客户投入了大量精力来减少流媒体延迟,并确保其保持在较低水平,他说. “TAG正在帮助他们测量这些延迟并做出这些决定. TAG just recently rejoined the Streaming Video Technology Alliance (SVTA) 以帮助确定在直播中测量延迟的最佳方法. SVTA已经发表了一些关于这个主题的论文,这些论文是过去这项工作的一部分. 很快,我们将有一个基于云的测试环境来测试低延迟流和测量的真实实时用例.”

Regarding content quality, Demb说, “所以你需要确保这个视频流以最高的质量到达你的观众那里,没有任何延迟或缓冲. 这意味着, 首先, 选择正确的格式编解码器,在不损失质量的情况下尽可能降低比特率. And for that, you need the monitoring solution in place as well. 因此,拥有具有非常实用和可操作kpi的正确工具是关键. For example, quality degrades. You want a monitoring tool that can tell you exactly what happened, point you in the right direction, and also help understand the root cause of that, not just tell you the quality dropped from five to three. That's not very actionable. 因此,您不希望使用一些可操作的kpi和可操作的警报来指出问题所在.”

汉内特同意这些观点,并指出体育迷对直播错误的宽容程度远远低于视频点播观众. “没有什么比体育迷因无法观看他们的比赛而愤怒更糟糕的了,他说. “Maybe if you fail to publish 权力的游戏 properly, there will be an issue, an equivalent perhaps, of passion. 我不相信. 我认为99%的情况下,如果你看不到你想要的视频点播,你会找到其他的. 如果你已经决定了观看游戏的时间,你就必须交付它. 你可以把CDN基础设施排好,你可以把视频链排序, but stampedes on your APIs, stampedes of trying to get CDN links, stampedes of trying to get DRM licenses. If you have got people all clicking on the tile at the same time, 或者更糟, you have a glitch in the CDN, 人们会轮换, or your system rotates synchronously…I've seen 40,在两秒钟内将000个请求发送到后端,并且从低于500的基线开始. So that kind of ramp up.”

Hannent mentions that autoscaling is not a panacea. “Autoscaling does not work most of the time, and that's a really generic statement, 概括性陈述, but you have to be really careful about autoscaling,他说. “但我们在世界各地有多个地区,所以如果发生什么事情,负载可能会转移.”

He speaks of “headends” and how DAZN effectively uses them. “We have two main headends,他说. “Two secondary and a disaster recovery headend. By headend, I mean the encoder and packager and all that stuff. 所以这是一个非常高水平的恢复能力,所有这些都需要监控. Are you monitoring the level to the level that you need on that? 还有一个问题:你希望它们是耦合的还是解耦的? 如何确保对一个系统的影响不会对另一个系统产生影响?”

完整的会议 from 流媒体 Connect November 2023. We'll be back in person for 流媒体 NYC on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How DAZN and TAG Approach Failover, Sync, and Stream Resiliency

对于高风险的, large-scale streams, redundancy is critical for ensuring smooth and reliable delivery. This means careful monitoring, sound decision-making, 无缝网络切换——也被称为无故障切换——确保数据流精确同步,这样终端用户就看不到交换机. In this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023, DAZN的鲍勃·汉内特报道, TAG视频系统' Michael Demb, 和CDN联盟主席Mark de Jong讨论确保流弹性的挑战和维护它的策略.


采用多cdn方法似乎是向全球受众提供大规模流并在面对突发时最大化正常运行时间的明智之举, unexpected regional demand, and other impediments to a smoothly delivered high-stakes stream. But DAZN的鲍勃·汉内特报道 says it's not always so, and a multi-CDN approach can actually introduce inefficiencies, 在流媒体连接2023与CDN联盟主席Mark de Jong的讨论中.

Resiliency and Cloud Production

LiveSports的jeff Kethley谈到了他的组织如何通过使用多个数据中心和低成本的云生产在不同的生产环境中开发可靠的弹性模型.

How to Build a Resilient 在线直播 Architecture

AWS解决方案营销经理Kiran Patel解释了云原生架构在2019年流媒体西部视频中增强流冗余和弹性的好处.

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