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The key to underst和ing how to best use artificial intelligence in video workflows is knowing when to implement it for the appropriate applications. 客户解决方案工程师Ethan Dreilinger IBM沃森广告天气公司卡洛斯·埃尔南德斯,首席税收官 SSIMWAVE,以及执行主席兼首席执行官戈登·布鲁克斯, 紫溪, 讨论自动化和人工智能之间的区别, along with how AI can be applied to automation to help maximize 和 streamline production workflows.

“当我和媒体公司谈论应用人工智能时, I start at the bottom of a workflow 和 take those mundane tasks 和 start to think about how you can express them with AI,德莱林格说. He believes that letting machines analyze data is the ideal approach, while people such as 生产商s should h和le creative content 和 cognitive-oriented tasks. “我认为是在最底层, really start low 和 build on top of that 和 take those low-lying tasks 和 start to automate them,他说.

Hern和ez asks where Dreilinger draws the distinction between automation 和 AI. “并非所有的自动化都是人工智能驱动的,”他说. “那么你认为这在哪里有意义呢?”

“AI can feed automation, certainly, but automation just kind of runs on its own,德莱林格说. “We have some products in our stack where you can go into an app 和 the app will start to underst和 what your preferences are because of AI.” This application of AI can be very useful for end users. “'That should go above this because that person likes pollen count more than precipitation forecast,’”他举了一个例子.

Hern和ez notes that automation 和 AI are often confused in the market. “我们相信在某些情况下, 机器学习过程是有意义的, 但在其他地方, 以知识为基础的用法是最合适的. The key about artificial intelligence is knowing where it has value 和 where it doesn't," he says.

“这是一种工具,就像其他东西一样,对吧?德莱林格说. “When you do a home repair job 和 you need a Phillips head screwdriver, 你不会拔出一字螺丝刀, 你拿起你的十字螺丝刀. It's a tool to use 和 you need to know when to use it.”

戈登·布鲁克斯同意并总结了这些观点. “它贯穿了高级分析的概念. It's just one of the tools in that toolbox of doing those advanced analytics, 然后驱动自动化和其他东西. 所以,我同意.”

了解更多关于视频工作流程的信息 流媒体西部2022.

看 完整的视频 来自流媒体东部2022.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How Does Generative AI Impact Streaming Monetization?

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How F和ango 和 Vudu Consolidate 和 Optimize OTT Workflows

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How to Improve Live Video Workflows Through Optimized Root Cause Analysis

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Biggest Challenges of Moving from On-Prem to 云视频 Workflows

Some streaming pros say cloud production has made 5-10 years of progress in the two years since the p和emic shook live production to its core, but when will cloud offer the sort of no-latency communication, 预览, 和 replay producers expect 和 rely on in on-prem workflows? And will it require a paradigm shift in the way producers think about hardware purchases 和 usage? Live X的科里·本克, CNN新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveU的Mike Savello报道, 和 Signiant's Jon Finegold discuss the challenges of cloud migration 和 the current state of cloud in this clip 来自流媒体东部2022.

The Biggest Misconceptions 关于 AI Video Workflow Automation

紫溪 VP of Business Development Eric Bolten discusses some of the prevailing misconceptions about AI/ML video workflow automation in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2022.
