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The Biggest Misconceptions 关于 AI Video Workflow Automation

Learn more about AI and streaming at 流媒体东部2022.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

埃里克·博尔顿: How does one demystify this process? You need to trust within the AI/ML aspects of this. And I think that making it clear on how these tools work, 它们的基础是什么, how they actually manifest themselves in results is really important. 我的意思是, one of the biggest hidden challenges in technical debts in the industry is root cause analysis. And an average program channel of content will spend $500,000 a year just trying to figure out what went wrong with the fiber, what went wrong with the server, 等等, 等等. And you know, television is a 100-year-old business, but for 60, 70, 80 years, we were running blind. The only way you even knew anything was good in a truck was you sent a signal to master control and bring back a net return to say, “看, that's the picture that they got." That's not how this is gonna work.

紫溪是一个活跃的企业. 我们做直播. So as the industry has morphed from a very video-on-demand, 基于文件的产品集, as you intersect with live sports and news 等等, there's no time to figure those things out. And the amount of content flowing is exponential. 所以你, you are going to need to have those correlations, the causalities presented to you in an actionable form.

Nadine Krefetz: So, 你的客户, 甚至, 如我所说, 你的联系人, do they have any ideas that just don't resonate, 是不准确的?

埃里克·博尔顿: As a person who's speaks with customers like Discovery and other folks that we would all know as household names, AI/ML的桶是“嗯, is that Datadog or ServiceNow, 这是数据可视化吗?? 是华生吗??" The answer is, it's a very big ecosystem and there are different things.

We at 紫溪 are really focusing in on video, but not an image recognition or that part. But how do you maintain the payload that is video in an AI/ML way? So I think that now we're getting into a lexicon that is starting to land in a much more specific way, 然后 taking this and translating it from an engineering point of view, 操作的观点, a technological/architectural point of view, 然后, 最终, a business impact point of view. There's a lot of evangelism that's required of all of us to get to the common understanding about that. And I don't think that's clear.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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