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构建一个与品牌和内容相匹配的应用开发策略对于创造一款具有粘性的CTV体验至关重要. Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, Contributing Editor, 流媒体首席执行官阿杰·阿南德 Norigin媒体, Yazmin Wickham, Senior Director of Product, 斯克里普斯网络, Scripps, 和 Zach Hobbs, SVP of Product, 大气.TV discuss this topic in this clip from their 流媒体东部2023 面板.

Krefetz begins by saying to An和, 他说:“大约半个小时前,你和我谈到了CTV的环境,以及它是一种新兴环境的事实. 你想给我更多的见解为什么CTV环境和CTV应用程序对公司很重要吗?”

An和 notes that CTV has been “emerging” f或者是 last ten years, 笑着说, Krefetz说, “这是新兴 慢慢地…”

“是的,是的,”阿南德同意. “它相当慢. Smart TVs became popular in 2012, 2013. 它们笨重且难以导航,(但)尽管如此,它们还是连接到了互联网. They're [as] relevant 和 emerging today as mobiles were 15 years ago. 应用程序商店是智能电视的新事物. 人们发现很难找到应用程序并下载它,也很难浏览应用程序.他表示,如今与智能电视制造商的应用讨论,与15年前与移动设备制造商(如facebook)的应用讨论如出一辙 诺基亚索尼, but he believes that the overall situation is more favorable. “如今的智能电视拥有一个强大的应用商店,而手机在当年是不具备的,他说. “不管它是什么 三星应用商店 或者是 谷歌应用商店. 这些都是巨大的应用商店, which means that consumers will definitely know how to find applications, 和 it's just as important to be there today, 然而, 不管你是不是利基的.”

“And lest we forget the very large screens that people get to watch on!克雷费兹说. Then she says to Wickham, “You have a large number of CTV apps. 斯克里普斯为什么要进入那个区域?”

“斯克里普斯网络实际上是由几家不同的公司合并而成,”威克姆说. “Everybody had their own app strategy. So before Scripps 新闻 was what they are now, they were 新闻y. And so their business model was to get out there 和 be everywhere.她提到,斯克里普斯新闻最初的模式是“把它发布出去,获取内容,然后构建它。. So right now, what we're doing is we are maintaining the legacy of what was before.“然而, she says that the sustainability of that approach may not be viable, 特别是考虑到构建和维护这些应用程序所需的开发工作量.

Krefetz turns to Hobbs 和 says, “Now, 大气.TV is a whole different…should we say kettle of fish? 我们该说什么呢??”

“So we are definitely different,” Hobbs says. “但我们创造了很多内容, 我们也涉足了FAST, 和 what we've seen is it doesn't create the stickiness that our CTV experience creates. 通过CTV应用程序, 你可以定制体验,真正与最终客户建立更牢固的关系. But FAST is incredibly tempting because you meet people where they already are. You don't have to go figure out, ‘How do I get distribution? How do I get someone to download the software?’ Or, 在我们的例子中, we provide a lot of hardware to our customers, so how do we actually get that into their business? So I think…depending on what your situation is, there are really interesting routes to go in both of those directions.”

Krefetz说, “It’s really a core part of your business. 那么,你认为这家公司还会有其他的组织方式吗?”

“有人问我们,”霍布斯说. 我们甚至问自己. We know that when you open a business, you go to 好市多 你买了一台智能电视,对吧? So why not just leverage that already there? 我们已经试过了, 但我们发现,拥有专门的应用程序,我们可以控制体验,只会创造更有粘性的客户,我们能够留住客户,让他们更长时间地使用我们的服务.”

“Well, that's the name of the game, isn't it?克雷费兹说. To An和, she says, “You have customers who come to you, 和 you create CTV apps f或者是m. 你会对正在评估是否要这么做的客户说些什么?”

“我发现很难告诉人们他们是否应该这样做,因为告诉一个人他们的服务应该有多深和渗透,这不是我的角色和责任,阿南德说. “但当他们决定是否以及如何留在那里时,我们就会介入.他强调,可以根据客户的喜好采取多种方法. “You can make it as complicated as you want it to be, 和 you can make it as simple as you want it to be,他说. “这是一个创造性的世界, which means that [with] user experience design, I tell customers you can spend one month on a design or 17 months on a design, depending on how picky you are 和 what you want to achieve.”

An和进一步阐述, “上市时间很重要, 但也要简单,重要的是要在那里,然后随着你在那里的经验而成长. So the idea is to get on there with the simplest effort, which means that there are templates, there are simple ways to be on the device to see how they work, to see whether Samsung is actually as deep 和 penetrated as Roku. 更多的 important, where consumers actually spend more time on these apps. If you're not on there, you'll never know. And it's relevant not only to the device, but the content that you have on the device 和 the markets that you are in. And it's a combination of this…one story does not fit all. 所以我们告诉人们, ‘Tell us how much money you’ve got or time you have, 我们会根据你的投资意愿将其纳入你的计划,因为这对公司来说是一个新领域. And this means that ROI is limited, 和 people don't want to invest unless they know that they're getting money back. 这就是我们所说的.”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at 流媒体连接2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The Struggle for Br和 Identity Across Multiplatform Streaming Apps

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CTV oem厂商如何影响快速成功

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How Will Premium Streaming App Subscriptions Evolve?

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How to Deliver a Great FAST App Experience

应用程序在FAST中重要吗? LG的马修·杜金报道, Fuse Media的帕特里克·考特尼说, 和大气的瑞恩·斯派塞在流媒体东2023的小组讨论中讨论了当前FAST领域的战略重点.

斯克里普斯网络的高级产品总监Yazmin Wickham谈论以观众为中心的OTT UX设计

最近,我采访了斯克里普斯网络的高级产品总监Yazmin Wickham,以更好地了解在OTT和CTV领域的多元化媒体公司中,产品总监在开发和管理用户体验方面所扮演的角色. I learned how Scripps approaches the viewer experience, 在AVOD和SVOD模型中, 并尝试在各种平台上提供尽可能一致的体验, 以及全面维护统一(或近乎统一)文本堆栈的挑战和优势.

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Scripps' Yazmin Wickham Talks OTT App Development & 内容策略


Amagi's Brian Ring Talks FAST, CTV, 和 the State of Streaming

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