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More Lecture Capture for Less

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讲座捕获是任何能够记录(或捕获)讲座内容并使其以数字格式(点播或直播)提供给学生的技术. 许多讲座记录系统提供了三个重要的好处:学生可以在缺课时回顾讲座记录的内容, the content can be reviewed for exams, 在线课程的内容创作也简化了.

讲座捕捉技术和服务近年来发展迅速, 在讲座捕捉市场上掀起一场军备竞赛,增加了讲座捕捉解决方案的价格和复杂性. Unfortunately, 这些“进步”已经把许多组织完全赶出了市场, 还有更多的人无法在整个组织中完全部署讲座捕捉系统.

Simple, Powerful, and Affordable

The Ensemble lecture capture solution is disruptive. Why? Because it is powerful, simple and affordable. 我们的目标是建立一种非常经济的讲座捕捉技术,可以部署在校园的每一个教室, whether large or small.

Ensemble Studio 是讲座记录和调度系统吗. It integrates room-based video capture hardware, enabling easy, automated recording in classrooms, meeting rooms, labs, courtrooms, and medical training rooms.

Ensemble Anthem is a software screen capture solution. 它使用户可以随时随地创建屏幕,网络摄像头和音频记录. 与其他讲座捕获系统相比,这两种产品都是负担得起的.

Ensemble Studio–Hardware Lecture Capture

Ensemble Studio makes the lecture capture process hands-off and automated. Once a lecture capture has been scheduled, the recording will start and stop at the scheduled times; the faculty member will not need to start or stop the recording. 在此期间,演示者和投影仪屏幕上显示的任何内容都将被记录下来. Ensemble的发布工具会自动将讲座路由到您的学习管理系统(LMS)。. Keep in mind, Ensemble Video recordings can be embedded in ANY LMS, and we have direct integrations with Blackboard, Moodle, Canvas, BrightSpace by D2L or Schoology. Ensemble Studio提供实时选项(流媒体), 使观众能够在演示过程中观看演示, and an on-demand option, 使观众能够在以后的日期和时间观看演示文稿. By default, 一旦活动结束,所有现场演示都将转换为点播演示.

Affordable Recording Devices

Ensemble Studio uses the Matrox Monarch LCS (and Matrox Monarch HD) to record and/or stream the classes or events. The Matrox Monarch LCS is an affordable, 高质量录音设备,可实现双输入讲座捕获(图中图或并排). 在演讲厅里,不再需要复杂而昂贵的录音设备来有效地捕捉课堂演讲, classrooms, and seminar rooms.

Ensemble Anthem–Software Lecture Capture

许多教师希望能够随时随地创建视频.  合奏国歌是一个简单的软件讲座捕获工具(Windows或Mac),允许任何人录制声音, 从他们自己的电脑(或教室电脑)获取视频和视觉辅助工具. Once a user has finished a screen capture, 它被自动上传到集成视频库并发布到LMS. 这些录音可以通过智能手机、笔记本电脑和台式电脑等设备在线访问. The nice thing is that instructors decide how they would like their recordings published; recordings do not have to be automatically published to their LMS.  最后,教学技术专业人员可以利用合奏国歌. 他们可以制作定制的视频记录和培训视频,让利益相关者快速了解新的学习工具和技术. 我们看到我们的许多支持专业人员使用合奏国歌提供快速操作视频.


Whether your courses are online, on-campus or hybrid, 录下课堂讲课可以让学生按照自己的节奏复习材料,从而更好地理解. 讲座录音是一种可行的学习百家乐软件, not replace, 课堂体验,让学生有机会回顾演示, previous lectures and guest speakers, anytime and anywhere.  真正的问题是,您能否负担得起在整个组织中部署它? Lecture capture tools 像合奏赞歌和合奏工作室提供了一个重要的机会,加强教学和学习, and yes, you can afford it. 了解更多关于集成视频的颠覆性讲座捕捉解决方案如何帮助您提高教学和学习, go to www.ensemblevideo.com.

About Ensemble Video

Ensemble Video is a turnkey online video platform that streamlines video capture, video management, and video publishing. Ensemble Video使全球数百个进步组织能够随时提供可访问的媒体内容, over a variety of networks. 发现令人难以置信的价值和我们的流线型视频捕捉的力量, video management and video publishing platform!

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