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H.264 仍然 Dominates Streaming Industry, According to Bitmovin Report


在上周的 流媒体西部连接2020,我有机会 分享一些亮点 来自最近的《百家乐软件》调查. 那份报告, sponsored by 紫溪 and highlighting ways that COVID-19 has impacted the streaming media industry over the 6-month period since the last 流媒体状况调查,将于10月下旬由流媒体发布. 与此同时, the team at Bitmovin has released its annual Video Developer report, which highlights a number of changes that developers have seen in 2020.

Bitmovin CEO Stephen Lederer notes that the Bitmovin survey has been released each year since 2017 at the IBC conference, 传统上于9月在阿姆斯特丹举行. 而那个节目被取消了, Lederer noted that the 2020 survey version saw a marked increase in participation, 比2019年增长46%,至792名受访者. "This reflects the industry growth and important role that video streaming plays today,莱德勒说.

A few key highlights from the Bitmovin report center on the role of various revenue types, 从广告到订阅.

While the percentage of respondents who said they were using a subscription-based video on-demand (SVOD) business model remained flat at 56% between the 2019 and 2020 reports, AVOD发生了重大变化, 或者基于广告的视频点播业务.

In 2019, 48%的受访者使用AVOD商业模式, but in 2020 that fell to 41% even while server-side ad insertion (SSAI) grew in popularity among AVOD businesses at the expense of client-side ad insertion (CSAI), which now accounts for less than half of all ad-driven models. SSAI占据主导地位并不奇怪, given the number of ad blockers—and even full-blown browsers, 比如Duck Duck go,一直在上升.

在编解码器方面,Bitmovin注意到H.264仍然是主要的编解码器, 参与者的使用率高达91%, 几乎是使用第二高编解码器的两倍, H.265 (42%). The report notes that, even though newer codecs such as H.265和AV1效率更高, "browser and device makers are fragmented in their support" which yields overall lower adoption rates for these newer codecs.

Bitmovin asked a specific set of questions around the impact of COVID-19 on business and technology priorities, and respondents prioritized their responses as follows:

  1. 降低成本
  2. 更快的上市时间
  3. 改变商业模式
  4. 减少工作团队的规模
  5. 获取新内容
  6. 其他

仍然, while the COVD-19 questions generated a high number of responses, the report states that "it's interesting to note that t在这里 were a fair number of participants who let us know that, 令人惊讶的是, COVID-19并未影响他们的工作."

在基于http的视频技术方面, another interesting note is the continued ascension of MPEG-DASH, 或通过HTTP的动态自适应流. While Apple's HTTP 在线直播 (HLS) retains the crown at 79% usage among participants, 65%的参与者使用DASH.

"Survey participants seem eager to get rid of needing two separate formats to serve the majority of devices,报告指出, "pinning their hopes instead on HLS/DASH CMAF with fMP4 streaming as a combined delivery format utopia."

最后, 在低延迟方面, the report notes that "sixty percent of video developers have a low latency expectation of five seconds or less." 

虽然这比2019年的报告有所上升, what's even more interesting is that almost a third of respondents now expect one second or less latency for their streams, which plays nicely into the advent of low-latency HLS (LL-HLS) as covered by the most recent Pantos spec that I cover in this month's Algorithm series article on live-event scaling. 

完整的Bitmovin报告可以下载 在这里.

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