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创作 Connect Conference Looks at the Future of Online Video


2013年 创作 Connect conference opened in New York City today, a surprisingly spirited and farsighted event for a conference hosted by a single OVP. 现在是第三年了, 创作 Connect shows impressive growth with over 600 attendees, compared to under 400 last year. In fact, the organizers had to cap admissions due to space limitations at its Chelsea Piers locale. Certainly the reason for that growth is the attractive mix the event offers: an audience of 创作 die-hards or 创作 prospects can attend presentations on using 创作 effectively or on a variety of other video industry topics. 或者他们可以建立关系网.

开幕式开始了, 一如既往地, with a keynote by 创作’s CEO, 主席, and co-founder 罗恩Yekutiel. “90 percent of cloud is going to be driven by video,” 他说. “Two-thirds of mobile will be video.”

The over-the-top (OTT) video space will grow five-fold by 2017, Yekutiel said. Citing comScore, he noted that viewers watched 47 billion online videos in August, 2013.

“Video is effective: it’s effective for media companies, it’s effective for marketing,耶库铁尔说. But, he added, it’s especially effective for enterprise. Enterprise video use is growing 50 to 200 percent annually, 他说, and Red Bull puts out more video than Disney. “Every company is a media company.”

The morning hours saw a handful of impressive keynote addresses, including a representative from New York University on how NYU innovates with video, and a rep from Sesame Workshops on why its best to not be precious with the brand and to keep experimenting. Sesame Street is able to use new media to reach, 参与, 教年轻的观众, 他展示了.

After lunch, 创作 Connect offered smaller breakout sessions. One track offered 创作 instruction, such as giving a roadmap of upcoming developments, or teaching customization using the 创作 Application Framework. The other two tracks offered help for enterprise and education video professionals. In a presentation on the future of enterprise video, 因为Karcher菲尔, industry analyst with Forrester, 告诉我如何移动, video, and social were transformative and reinforce each other, but not all three have been equally successful in the enterprise. While employees enjoy mobile access (37 percent of 信息 workers work from three or more locations, 他说) and mobile devices (18 percent use tablets at least occasionally for work), enterprise social efforts haven’t been that successful. Employees rarely contribute to a company wiki, for example. Karcher says this is because social efforts are something pushed on employees, not something employees bring in themselves as with mobile devices.

Companies also don’t get behind social efforts, Karcher said. He noted that he interviewed 30 companies that use video platforms internally, and only 2 of them support user-generated content.

Other panels covered social learning portals, 医疗保健中的视频, and the need for shared video repositories for educational institutions. The conference concludes on Tuesday. If 创作 Connect continues to grow at this pace, the organizers will need to find a bigger venue for 2014.


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