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Roku进入第二阶段,与Roku Exchange一起出售数据


如果Roku想从广告中获得更多价值, making it easier to tap into viewer data via programmatic tools may prevent them from leaving revenue on the table. 上周,Roku宣布成立Roku Exchange, a “TV streaming-first” advertising solution that connects ad inventory with advertiser demand.

通过交易所, viewer identity data from their 80 million active accounts will be grouped into segments for more precise targeting based on viewer patterns. 然后它就可以被程序化地出售. 根据他们最近的季度股东信, Roku平台有Q1, 2024年收入7.55亿美元,同比增长19%。, this measures revenue from both streaming service distribution and advertising revenue. 大部分收入来自广告. 2023年的平台收益为29.94亿美元近30亿美元. Roku在2023年的总净收入为3美元,485,000,000, 很清楚Roku在哪里赚钱.

Roku is counting on the fact they have a huge trove of viewer signals which is very valuable. “Roku坐拥观众和内容/上下文数据的金矿,”他说 C.J. 伦纳德他是广告运营总监 & 技术,不定式. “Now anyone can access valuable bid stream signals which weren't available broadly before, 通过简单地去你现有的DSP已经集成通过Magnite.” 


广告支持计划“实际上为每个用户带来了更多收益, 尽管成本较低,亚伦·巴克报告说, 副主编, 街谈巷议, 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》. Analysts expect the ad plans to contribute a greater and greater share of revenue going forward.”

Another surprising fact: ad-supported viewing is quickly catching up to social. 社交视频收入预计将增至23美元.到2024年,CTV预计将增长12%,达到22美元.70亿美元,比整个媒体行业快32% IAB. CTV ad budgets primarily come from reallocations – particularly linear TV and other traditional media —31% of increased spend comes from overall expansion of advertising budgets. “在最大的广告支出者中, CTV (69%) and social video (70%) are considered ‘must buys’ because of their ability to deliver both scale for branding at the top of the funnel and performance outcomes at the bottom of the funnel,Chris Bruderle说, VP, 行业的见解 & 内容策略,IAB.

“Amazon came in and put a fork in every other streaming company’s business model by also getting into the advertising game within streaming,加布里埃尔·伯杰说, 增长官, 在任何地方玩. 亚马逊Prime拥有丰富的消费者观看和购物数据. 迪士尼在国际消费电子展上宣布,他们已经做到了 1800个消费群体 可通过他们的程序化市场. Netflix正在开发内部广告技术 更多地掌握自己的命运.

Meanwhile consumers are becoming better educated on how valuable their personal 信息 is to each and every company out there. Amazon decided a few months ago all Prime Video subscribers were opted-in to receive advertising unless they chose to spend an extra $2.每月99美元来移除广告. 一个 集体诉讼 对这种商业行为提起诉讼吗.

什么是Roku Exchange?

Roku Exchange由供应集成组成, 程序化的投标, 和AD决策, integrated with the Magnite supply-side platform (SSP) to connect into the larger programmatic landscape. “如今并非所有东西都可以通过程序实现,卢克曼·帕拉帕斯说, 产品管理副总裁, Roku. “Roku City和首页 Screen广告等广告形式, 比如帐篷, 只能通过直接交易购买吗. Roku Exchange是服务广告和丰富印象的中介层, 基于来自数千万流媒体家庭的Roku数据.”

The company reports that viewing on the Roku platform represents around 50 percent of all time spent watching TV streaming in the U.S. 目前的平均水平 Roku的每日观看时间是4小时.2小时 全球范围内,较上年同期增长23%.9小时. This is something close to the previous viewing stats for traditional cable and broadcast viewing. 这是对Roku媒体的民主化访问, 根据Parampath, 因为媒体购买将不局限于最大的广告商.

“Access to Roku Audience data is applied on the deal ID level by Roku,” Parampath said. “Roku Exchange sends signals like RIDA [Roku ID for 广告] through the bid request. RIDA是设备的标准广告标识符(IFA). 除了, we have worked with partners like Wurl/Applovin to customize signals and the way they are sent to best perform in their platform. Roku Exchange allows for flexibility in what is sent in bid requests and making Roku Audiences available to advertisers.”

“在罗库交易所, 程序化买家应该访问与直接买家相同的数据, such as the length of ad breaks and when those breaks happen within a particular stream. 程序化买家还能获得更多有关网络和渠道的元数据, 包括类型,克里斯·霍克说, 广告业高管,前Adobe Prime Time负责人. 广告. “他们正试图做大型媒体公司做的事情.”

When Roku started, they offered a revenue share agreement to content owners and distributors. 多年来, 随着他们对观看模式的深入了解, 公司开始通过直销来盈利. “Their advertising business now dwarfs the [fees from] subscriptions,” said Hock. “这些观看数据可以将他们的CPM提高30 - 40%, 例如,CTV的CPM从25美元降至32美元.50–$35.”

“对广告客户, 这种程序化的解决方案将使购买Roku观众变得更加容易,伦纳德说. “在理论上, 作为一个观众, 你最终会看到广告商的多样性, 以及增加填充率和更少的板岩, 因为广告种类更多.”


“We are making it easier for advertisers to execute campaigns programmatically by expanding and deepening our relationships with third-party platforms, 包括零售媒体网络, 需求方平台, 以及其他战略合作伙伴,Roku在2024年第一季度的股东信中表示. “第一季度, we continued to grow programmatic ad spend as a percentage of total video ad spend on the Roku platform. We are focused on growing both the number of advertisers we serve and the size of advertising budget, 同时建立伙伴关系,扩大目标, 归因, 以及我们提供的测量能力.”

“I think it speaks to a bit of a larger trend where you see a number of companies that have access to the end consumer. They're wanting greater control over that side of programmatic and they're bringing a lot of that in-house,布雷特·萨平顿说, 创始人 & 萨平顿传媒首席分析师. “Roku has scale and you have to have scale for it to be worthwhile to be able to bring it in-house. 年前, 他们买了一个小DSP, Dataxu, 所以他们有一些内部的技术能力来做到这一点. 当你把它带进公司的时候, you're essentially cutting out a middleman and taking over more control of part of it.”

随着Roku加入许多其他公司在程序化领域, 如果他们建造了它, 买家会来吗?? “在免费的wheel,通过我们的广告服务器, 我们知道所有的中央电视台的印象, 只有35%是程序化处理的,凯蒂·洛莉亚, 免费的Wheel的CRO在一份声明中说 甜菜.电视采访中 在2024年飞轮计划激活峰会上,甜菜.电视采访中.

这是否影响了直接交易? “不,”Parampath说. “Roku的目标是满足广告商购买媒体的需求, 无论是通过直接交易还是程序化购买.”

这样看来,程序化是一种购买选择. 所有的大公司都宣布他们将以这种方式销售, 但如果免费的wheel说他们只有35%的人是通过程序化购买的, 这可能还不是什么大事, 正如这些公司想让你相信的那样. 程序化可以为较便宜的产品设定价格, 减少溢价库存, 但很可能这部分收入只占很小的比例.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


很长一段时间以来, people I've interviewed have complained about how much of the video advertising budget went to social. 现在,潮流正在转变.


广告购买正在改变. 例如, now you can buy from an agency that has deep knowledge of data around local viewing, or you can go to a TV manufacturer that has deep knowledge of all of the viewing on its hardware.


生成式人工智能是所有行业的游戏规则改变者, and how to leverage it is a key strategic and technical concern for a range of streaming organizations looking to monetize their content and operations. 巴雷特-杰克逊拍卖公司(Barrett-Jackson Auction Company)的达西.J. 我是Mad Leo咨询公司的伦纳德, and Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz explore generative AI's current and imminent impact in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2023.


互联网培养了人们不断做出改变的能力, so how come national broadcast advertising is still being transacted in the upfronts (the same format that started in 1962), which require an annual dollar and audience-reach commitment in advance to buy and sell advertising?


从战略上讲,流媒体传输需要更多的广告商. 广告是媒体商业模式的必要组成部分, but by not being nimble enough to attract more advertising and somehow sell digital the same way cable and broadcast are sold, 数字服务正在搬起石头砸自己的脚.