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史蒂夫·内森斯-凯利(SNK): 今天, I had the chance to speak with 流媒体 VP and editor in chief Eric Schumacher Rasmussen about our upcoming 流媒体西互联 事件. This is an online free webinars series that runs September 29 through October 2. Eric and I talked a little bit about who's going to be there, 有一些关键的话题是什么, 以及与会者可以期望学到什么.

Let's talk first about a 流媒体西互联 proper, the main conference we're doing. What are some of the highlights you can share now about that?

埃里克舒马赫-拉斯穆森(ESR): 我们邀请了一些优秀的演讲者. We're offering more sessions than we did for 流媒体 East Connect. We're covering our usual range of both technical and business and content topics. We've got Netflix, Disney, and Hulu talking about CMAF and the future of OTT. 我们请了罗伯特·莱因哈特在WebRTC上做演讲. So those are some of the geekier topics that we'll be covering. We've got a lot of sessions covering OTT business strategies. 我们有一个关于创建个性化OTT频道的会议. HBO Max将会就此发表演讲. We'll be talking about OTT monetization with Roku and the streaming media reporter for Axios, 萨拉·费雪.

我们请来了CBS互动频道. Comcast is on a couple of panels, sort of looking at OTT from all possible angles. 所以在一周的过程中, attendees will really get a chance to mix and match the kind of sessions that they want to attend and get a good sense of the overall picture, as well as digging down deeper into some of the technical and business topics, 如果他们想这么做的话.

SNK: And then we're doing a kind of opening session that's different from anything we've done before. 你能给我们介绍一下吗?

ESR: Yeah, we are doing our second streaming media state of the streaming market survey. 来自Help Me Stream的蒂姆·西格林, 谁是流媒体特约编辑, and Unisphere研究 and 流媒体 have teamed up to do that survey. [那个调查已经结束了——埃德.]

在流媒体西部连接, we'll be opening with a keynote research presentation where I'll sit down with Tim and the sponsor of the survey, 紫溪. And we'll be talking about the results and talking about what the state of the streaming market looks like. We did our first State of the Streaming Market report early in 2020. 这是在covid之前. So now we'll really get some insights into how the market has changed in terms of live versus VOD, in terms of advertising and other business models since the COVID pandemic has changed things for all of us. So that'll be a really interesting sort of snapshot of where we are and where we've been over the last few months.

SNK: 还有一个闭幕主题演讲或闭幕会议.

ESR: 事实上, it's a session that we were hoping to present at 流媒体 East Connect, 但情况使我们不能这样做. We're going to be talking about the lessons that we've all learned from the COVID-19 crisis. 我们将请到尤安·麦克劳德, HBO Max的副总裁, 谈论HBO Max是如何推出的, uh, 并针对新冠疫情量身定制其产品. And then we'll have John Giegengack from Hub 研究 and Michelle Abraham from S&P research talking about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted both media and entertainment, streaming and consumption as well as enterprise and corporate streaming and consumption. 这是周五课程的一个很好的总结.

SNK: 接下来的周一, 10月5日, 受大众需求的影响, 我们将举行一个内容交付峰会. So tell me a little bit about what people are going to see there.

ESR: Well Dom Robinson, once again is putting together Content Delivery Summit. We thought it was time to take sort of a revisit of what's going on in the content delivery world. 所以Dom Robinson正在召集演讲者. We'll be talking about everything from edge and cache delivery to future content delivery models, 谈谈流媒体的绿色化, 这是多姆的倡议之一, looking at how streaming can become more energy efficient and environmentally conscious and also save money, 每个人都想做什么. So that'll be a key part of the Content Delivery Summit and that's on Monday, 10月5日.

SNK: 接着, 你知道, one of the most popular parts of our 事件s have always been workshops. 这些都很深入, 亲自动手的, just really drilling down into a specific topic for a longer stretch of time. So, we've got a full slate of workshops coming up that week. 告诉我我们要吃什么.

ESR: Robert Reinhardt is going to do an in-depth workshop on a WebRTC and building WebRTC applications. And then Jan Ozer is going to be presenting a two-part streaming media bootcamp. The morning session will be about encoding and transcoding and the afternoon session will be about live streaming. 这些都是有偿的工作坊, 199美元, 虽然我很确定人们可以找到折扣码.

We'll also have a number of free workshops put on by some sponsors. Dolby is going to put on a workshop about optimizing content for every screen. Broadfield is going to put on a workshop with multiple speakers talking about different key technologies for live streaming, 然后Bitmovin也会举办一个研讨会. 主题很快就会公布. 所有这些研讨会都是完全免费的.

SNK: Anything else you think people should know at this point about the 事件?

ESR: No, I'm just really excited that we've got so much content available over two weeks, most of it free. The paid workshops are those deep dives that really for $199 each are a steal. And I'm excited about the speakers we've got and looking forward to presenting another 流媒体 virtual 事件.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题