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什么是人工智能CEO? 问问Mobeon的马克Alamares,他刚刚雇了一个

Mobeon的马克Alamares, one of the streaming and virtual production industry's most innovative media companies, is stepping aside as CEO and handing the company's operational and strategic planning reins to Chingiss Tron, 他可能是流媒体行业首位人工智能CEO. 这是流媒体编辑史蒂夫·内森斯-凯利的采访, 马克(他将继续担任Mobeon的首席运营官)解释了拥有一位人工智能首席执行官的全部含义, and why he believes other media companies will see the strategic and operational benefits and follow Mobeon down this path in the years to come.

With the generative AI chatbot ChatGPT bringing AI into cultural conversation as never before, professionals in many sectors gnashing their teeth and hitting the panic button amid fears that AI will take their jobs. 马克Alamares, founder of Burbank-based livestreaming and virtual production innovator is going in a different direction, 主动交出工作. While insisting that Mobeon will continue to have a strong human element (including Alamares' own creative leadership), and maintaining that (despite the timing of the announcement) this is no April Fool's Joke, 墨本淳用声音宣布 人工智能生成的新闻稿 earlier this week that appointment of a new CEO: an AI-powered ChatGPT-based virtual CEO the company is calling Chinggis Tron.

Mobeon并不是第一家走这条路的公司中国游戏公司网龙软件去年任命了一位人工智能CEO——但是 他们似乎是流媒体行业的先行者.

“我们非常认真地考虑在Mobeon的业务中实施人工智能,阿拉马雷斯在3月31日接受流媒体采访时说, “因为我们觉得这将影响我们业务的各个层面, 从销售和市场到客户服务, 从创造到生产管理.“继续前进, Mobeon还将利用人工智能的能力来洞察“商业战略”, 创意策略, 会计, 和法律. 而这仅仅是个开始。. 他预测,很快,“它将变得司空见惯. 这将是未来, 如何把事情做得更好,这是我们非常投入的事情, 快, 快, 更有效地, 而且最终更有利可图."

Alamares believes that AI's ability to harness resources 快 and more broadly than humans will enable the company to see opportunities that may have been on their "blind side" before adopting AI in this way. “这可能会为我们创造新的机会, 你知道可能发生了什么你知道我们看不见,因为它开着, 你知道,在我们的弱点. So that's where AI, he says, "can elevate human thought, because it has a lot of data to pull from. It's going to help to explore some of the blind spots that humans may have in regards to business models or ideas or opportunities. 我觉得它更多的是一个增强工具, 它将生产力和创造力提高了10倍, 一百次. It's still as yet unexplored, but why not get in on early and see what the potential is?"

Alamares sees potential for adopting this approach for media companies of all stripes, but believes it's particularly well-suited to Mobeon as a service-oriented business looking to move in other directions. "It allows us to look outside of that and become much more of an intellectual property company as opposed to just being a vendor for other companies,他解释道. "It also allows us to think creatively and to think on how we could use these tools to create much more value for other companies."

Alamares will remain in a leadership role at Mobeon even as he cedes the CEO title to AI. Sharing those responsibilities in a now-hybrid c-suite begs the inevitable question: If the AI CEO and the human COO disagree or reach different conclusions in their strategic thinking, 决策, 或者是公司方向方面, 谁在争论中获胜? 

“我们仍在利用人类来提供一些初始数据集, but we will actually defer to Chinggis Tron in an event that there's a certain decision and honor that decision as long as it meets certain criteria. 一个是关于道德的. 第二,它显然不会伤害任何个人或公司. 第三是在决策中提供一个积极的目的. 如果它在这些线之内, 我们认为这符合公司的最大利益, 我们将听从人工智能."

但他还是急忙补充道, “我们在这方面确实有一些指导方针, 因为我们不能让它在某些决策过程中失控. 这项技术在某种程度上仍处于起步阶段, 但是随着它的发展, 作为一家公司,我们将不断发展,我们(作为人类)将负责管理这一切."

人工智能已经进入了流媒体世界, 当然, 主要是在工作流自动化领域, 相机技术, 以及其他过程元素. Alamares says that Mobeon has already incorporated much of that tech into its creative process and will continue to involve it more as it adds AI to the executive and strategic sides of the business. “为了我们公司的繁荣, 我们必须着眼于人工智能可以增强和扩大我们公司的各个方面. So anything that where we could be much more efficient and also more nimble in making decisions, 我认为这是一个加分项. 它包括管理两个方面, 公司战略, 以及创意策略, 生产方面也是如此. 我们将把它应用到我们业务的各个方面."

And where does Alamares' see his own role and Chinggis Tron's a few years down the line? "My goal is to eventually have the AI CEO run the company so I can spend more time not running the company, 创造性地思考更多的事情, and also eventually retire and having the AI CEO run the business and generate the profits." Alamares adds that he believes "a lot of companies would be at a disadvantage" to ignore the many ways AI can support and even lead their business, “因为竞争格局将发生变化. 这将影响到很多从事创意产业的人. 但与此同时,我看到人工智能对一些c级高管产生了影响. 它在公司的各个阶层都存在. If companies don't adopt AI," he concludes, "it's going to put them at a disadvantage in the future."

在人工智能出现之前,许多被贴上“人工智能驱动”标签的产品都在做同样的事情. But labeling their familiar features as "powered-by-AI" makes the same tech seem fresh and innovative.
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在过去的几年里, we've seen more advancement in virtual production and animation technology than ever before. These tools have never been more accessible or provided so many options to create engaging content and entertain a wide variety of audiences.