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了解更多关于OTT的信息 流媒体西部2020.


达伦Lepke: Efficiency is certainly something you want to consider when you're looking at integrating components. 当然,成本是另一个大问题. I think the other thing we want to think about as well is the synergies that come when more of the platform is stitched together. So it's one thing to say, "I want to pull out an encoder here" or "I want to plug in a CDN there." That's pretty straightforward in terms of the integration we do. We integrate with things like broadcast playout systems all the time, 这样我们就能消化时间表和广告时间. 这很有道理. I think the other way to look at integration is the metrics and analytics that need to come out of your platform. 很多事情都是相互关联的. 他们连接. Your SSAI system is very much connected to your playout system and how well you deliver content and at what quality.

So, while it's great to have a fully modular plug-and-play system, it's also important to have a system that hangs together that can share data and ultimately integrate all of that data to provide the insights you need to bring on better ad partners or stream your video in different quality, or even start to do things like looking at the content itself. 什么,什么内容表现最好? Where should I change my investment in content licensing, for example?

Nadine Krefetz: 好吧. So the data is an interesting kind of way to look at it. I'm assuming that everyone's data needs change over time, especially as we have more and more data. 人们会带着数据策略来找你吗?

达伦Lepke: 可以肯定的是. And like you said, that that strategy matures over time as the business matures. When we first started seeing the OTT services emerge, 也许十年前, 最重要的数据是, 再缓冲比率是多少? 我能接触到多少用户? These are the core components of a workflow, in terms of the quality of the content that's being streamed.

Today we're seeing businesses mature beyond this initial phase of trying to make delivery work and into trying to understand what is profitable. Today our customers are coming back to us and asking, "Which of my SSAI and ad-decisioning partners are performing best? What are the profitability metrics that we can see across all of our content?" Because the businesses themselves are maturing into this model where it's no longer just this fun little experiment as part of their core business. 他们关注的是盈亏和需求, core business insights that a platform like the ones we all operate can unlock.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


With so many moving parts in the streaming workflow, are best practices even possible? Five industry leaders share their insights into how to make all of the pieces fit


fuboTV的Geir Magnusson报道, 辛克莱的迈克尔·布沙尔, Reality Software的Nadine Krefetz说, Eyevinn的Magnus Svensson, and Verizon的达伦·莱普克 discuss SSAI best practices in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

How to Ensure Smooth OTT Platform Integration

FandangoNOW的Rema Morgan-Aluko报道, fuboTV的Geir Magnusson报道, 辛克莱的迈克尔·布沙尔, and Eyevinn的Magnus Svensson discuss best practices for integrating OTT components and platforms in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.


Verizon的达伦·莱普克, fuboTV的Geir Magnusson报道, and Reality Software的Nadine Krefetz说 discuss the present and future of OTT in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

如何改进OTT搜索 & 发现

How can OTT services make it easier for consumers to find the content they want? 更多的聚合? 其它的建议? Sherry Brennan and Randa Minkarah discuss at 流媒体 East 2020.


Intertrust's Ali Hodjat discusses where OTT piracy is happening now, how anti-piracy companies are counteracting it, and what remains to be done to root out the problem in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

COVID - OTT增长是否可持续?

Resonance AI's Randa Minkarah and strategic consultant Sherry Brennan speculate on OTT's next new normal in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

Emerging Trends in AVOD and SVOD Consumption

Strategic Consultant Sherry Brennan forecasts the near future of OTT services and how consumers will use them in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.

How the COVID OTT Surge Has Impacted Performance

Intertrust's Ali Hodjat discusses how surging traffic and heightened content protection have affected OTT performance over the last three months in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect.

What is Driving Consumer OTT Preferences in 2020?

Critical survey data on OTT consumption from Altman Vilandrie's Matt Rivet, with additional analysis from strategic consultant Sherry Brennan at 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
