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SMNYC主题演讲亮点:击败BUZZR & 品牌与. 零售


5月21日,星期二 纽约流媒体, a series of morning keynotes featuring leading industry figures covered a wide range of topics, 包括如何 微软弗里曼特尔 游戏化FAST和资本化互动电视, 还有一场关于品牌和零售的激烈辩论 裂纹, 超级广告, IAB, 关于她的维茨.


Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件特约编辑,流媒体他主持了一个嘉宾座谈 劳拉·弗洛伦斯,全球快速渠道高级副总裁,弗里曼特尔,和 安迪海滩, CTO,媒体 & 娱乐,全球,微软. 弗里曼特尔的数据和人工智能 击败蜂鸣器 平台是与微软合作开发的, 英伟达以及其他关键技术合作伙伴. Leveraging content from the 弗里曼特尔 BUZZR Network's deep reservoir of classic TV game shows from the '60s, '70s, 和80年代, 击败蜂鸣器让FAST的观众一头扎进游戏的小测验中, 琐事, 以及个性化的见解, 指路革命, 交互式FAST的盈利机会.

克雷费兹问微软, 弗里曼特尔, their technology partners amassed the rich data resources to build a scalable tech stack 和 make this new interactive platform viable while creating a "watch party vibe" to make it irresistible to viewers. Beach said that AI was integral for the huge scale required to make the platform function, 使用包含抄本的工作流, 信息, 元数据给了 ChatGPT. 他们与 爱丽丝 & 史密斯 搭建平台 PlayfabPrime Focus Technologies 以协助将这些经典节目的分辨率提高到4K MediaKind 为播出.

Florence highlighted the many sponsorable elements to 击败蜂鸣器 和 said that the ROI for it is highly trackable via hours watched, 通过本地化交付明确参与. 70%的观众在观看《百家乐app下载》时都在手机上观看, 第二屏幕的使用有利于收集第一方数据. 

品牌与品牌之战. 零售

Mike Duffy,联合创始人/首席执行官 YumCrunch, moderated a spirited debate addressing the ways that big tech has upset the balance between br和 和 performance marketing 和 between awareness 和 shopability. “团队品牌”节目的主持人是媒体主管劳拉·桑多瓦尔 & Entertainment, 超级广告 和 Lauren Denowitz, Founder, 关于她的维茨 - Br和 Entertainment & 营销咨询和创始人 & 前全球工作室主管, draftLine娱乐 @ ABInBev. “零售团队”的代表是米歇尔·菲诺, 品牌娱乐主管, 裂纹, 帕姆·扎克, 首席战略官, IAB.

The questions at play: In a world of increasingly commoditized impressions 和 audiences, where is a marketer’s money best spent—premium TV environments for br和 awareness, 但更少的归因, 或者绩效营销? 电视出版商能在基于效果的广告上与社交视频竞争吗? 他们应该这样做,还是冒着品牌受损的风险?

品牌vs. 零售的辩论

The divide between Team Br和 和 Team 零售 was immediately clear: Fino stated outright that most people are “dumb,” 和 that on average it takes seven times for a consumer to retain a br和’s marketing message. 而Denowitz强调品牌是以关系为导向的, 专注于故事, 合作伙伴关系, 和人才, 扎克回击道:“商品在哪里?” She said that br和s should not just be mushy relationship-based foundations 和 that instead retail retains the strengths of what she calls “pre-tail,” with quantifiable attributes such as real-time optimization leading to more authentic personalization, 加强测量, 归因, 提高投资回报率, 本地化, 以及与个人消费者直接相关的具体数据点.

S和oval pushed back by underscoring the need for a sense of relationship 和 guidance with br和s, saying that people need to be taken through a journey 和 highlighting that on average, 人们需要“15个接触点”才能在电影院观看当前的电影. Denowitz also said that this relationship-oriented personalized approach also helps to ensure br和 safety by clearly revealing what an audience wants 和 who they are, 超越单纯的数据点.

尽管有不同的观点, both teams ultimately agreed that a well-balanced mix of “br和 和 retail” are essential for the overall success of sales 和 for the satisfaction of users.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: 弗里曼特尔's 劳拉·弗洛伦斯 Talks FAST Gamification 和 击败蜂鸣器

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews 弗里曼特尔's 劳拉·弗洛伦斯 在纽约流媒体. She discusses how 弗里曼特尔 seeks to engage audiences with older content by incorporating interactive elements, 比如琐事和有趣的事实, 进入观看体验, 允许用户通过移动应用程序与内容进行交互. She also discusses the use of restorative AI to improve the quality of older content shot on tape for modern viewing platforms.


数据采集的讨论, 应用程序, monetization that would have seemed like the most mind-blowing magic to denizens of other eras proved ever-present 在纽约流媒体, the reimagined 和 rebooted 流媒体 event that made its raucously well-received return to Manhattan in May.

SMNYC 2024: 微软 CTO 安迪海滩 Talks Gamified FAST 和 Leveraging AI to Make Old Content Feel New

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews 微软 CTO 安迪海滩 在纽约流媒体 2024 about gamification ideas for FAST. Beach discusses the concepts of creating 琐事 和 interactivity through a second-screen app that allows users to connect 和 compete with each other. 他还谈到了将旧内容带入2024年的技术挑战, 生成式人工智能的潜力, 将物理事件整合到游戏化过程中.


周一, 5月20日, 纽约流媒体 hosted four debates on two topics that represented a fantastic programming win for the conference. The first half of the day was dedicated to AI 和 covered the full range of topics from authorship to copyright to privacy 和 more. 第二个 half of the day featured two panels debating the definition of premium content, the value of social media as well as the question of how CTV measures up against mobile as an advertising platform. 继续往下读,了解更多.

SMNYC Highlight: Fireside Chat With Roku President Charlie Collier 和 Media Cartographer Evan Shapiro

周三, 5月22日, 2024, 在纽约流媒体, 媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗接受了查理·科利尔的采访, Roku Media的总裁,AMC的前总裁, 深入讨论Roku的发展和目前的主导地位, 美国第一流媒体电视平台. 他们谈到Roku的UI如何为他们的EPG带来“简单和愉悦”, Roku与其他平台和出版商合作的方式, the need for a new media ecosystem to support creative risk-taking in the streaming era.


周一, 5月20日, 在纽约流媒体, two lively debates on the topic of AI in Media 和 Entertainment showcased leading industry figures. 第一个,“人工智能:恩惠还是泡沫?,研究了人工智能进入媒体各个领域的方式, 业务, 和科技世界, 它还探讨了人工智能的反叛在多大程度上是一种时尚, 其中有多少是流媒体的未来. 第二个, 《百家乐软件》,,探讨了围绕“人工智能将取代我们的工作”这一想法的恐惧,,并专注于AI/ML如何使工作流程更高效, 扩大或改进覆盖面, 并有助于提高利润.

SMNYC Sneak Preview: Keynote: 微软 和 弗里曼特尔 击败蜂鸣器 with Gamified FAST

周二, 5月21日, 微软首席技术官安迪·比奇和弗里曼特尔高级副总裁, Global FAST Channels 劳拉·弗洛伦斯 will present 纽约流媒体's opening keynote. 他们将讨论新的击败蜂鸣器平台, 它是如何将FAST游戏化并资本化电视的, 促成这一切的合作, 以及引擎盖下的人工智能.


A new study from Hub Entertainment 研究 reveals that viewers are still chasing shows rather than specific streaming br和s, which poses challenges for programming providers looking to create a consistent br和 identity across various platforms. James Lauzun of MagellanTV 和 Tom Hurlbutt of Crunchyroll also weighed in on this issue during a recent 流媒体连接2024 session.
